We are the men of HBC, Chester, meeting to build and encourage each other in the challenge and adventure of living for God.Browsing through these pages you will find a wealth of articles and media to help you in your walk with each other and with God.
Advance notification of each meeting will be sent out via Email news letter a week before the event with a brief description of the format of the meeting.
Saturday 10.00am
April 16th Easter Saturday
Check out a summary of the last meeting here.
MPowering Men
Our vision at Mpower is to see the men of HBC Chester, both young and old, being empowered to live lives alive for God. We aim to enable and encourage them to be men after God's own heart, and to provide opportunities and space for community and mission, and have lots of fun along the way.
Becoming involved in MPower will be both challenging and rewarding as we will aim to improve our influence in our church,our community and our families.
We shall encompass all the aspects of a vibrant church moving forward in a turbulent society, as men with a desire to see a positive change come together to pray and worship,praise and study,reflect and discuss and encourage each other. In doing so the effect on and in our sphere of influence should become apparent to not only those in our church and families, but also to our friends and work colleagues.
MPower was born out of a desire of a few men in HBC Chester to meet together with the aim of becoming stronger and wiser in the power of the Holy Spirit to encourage and empower each other for the benefit of each other and the wider community.
A key scripture for the basis of this group is Proverbs 27:17
"As Iron sharpens Iron, so one man sharpens another."

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